August 19, 1991 Hurricane Bob The Earliest named hurricane to strike Southern New England:
August 19, 1991 I saw the hand of God, Hurricane Bob eye over my head at 2:58 PM, Barometer Pressure 28.48 IN, the rotating circus of clouds and beautiful blue sky, after being out on duty and experienced winds of 110MPH. I didn't know if I was coming home that day. I had a 1 yr and 3 yr old and wife hunkered down. I had a duty and do it all over again. I had the responsibility as a weather spotter and reported live to the only surviving media source left on the air and that was WNBH 1340AM. Tens of thousands listened to the unfolding drama and uncertainty that could affect them. When a peak wind gust of 110 MPH struck my van, antennas blew off my roof and knocked me off the air. Through the sea soaked windshield I was the only one left on scene at the Hurricane Barrier. WNBH kept calling for me with no response. They as well as the listening audience thought I was gone or badly injured. I stared out to the surge and wondered if this was how I was going to leave this earth. With the howling winds tearing away at my van, rocking side to side I suddenly had an epiphany-total silence and peace embraced me as I stared at the angry sea. Then thought what the hell am I doing here?I checked my radio equipment and had 1 operating radio left with intact antenna. I proceeded to program in the frequency to reach WNBH news room. I keyed up several times with no luck. I stepped outside the truck and noticed the antenna had flipped over but was able to remount outside in elements. Got back in, keyed up the mike and a miracle! MLBaron was back on the air after a 20 minute gap. The WNBH crew was leaping with joy. Now was the time to get the hell out of here. The most poignant sight aside up all the destruction as I was returning to base, I briefly stopped by a house to look back of my truck to see what was tossed around., and I saw a couple by their window with a radio waving to me and giving the "thumbs up"! Then I realized that what I was here for, to give a sense of reassurance to those listening that everything was going to be OK.
Returned to base, with studio van beat up a little bit in Hurricane Bob almost got shit canned for this gig, refused a direct order to retreat get back when weather was getting bad
1.6 Billion dollars in damage, South Coast Massachusetts devasted in Hurricane Bob